Machine Projects and Service

An OSRAM Nové Zámky service for business customers

OSRAM offers engineering technology to business customers according to their requests. All that our customers need is an idea. On this basis OSRAM creates a mechanical and electrical design, including detailed process steps and software.
Mechanical parts and electrical components can be produced.
Machines can be assembled and installed at the site of the customer. Also rebuilding and general oveerhaul of machines can be part of the service.

Key benefits of Machine Projects and Services from OSRAM:

  • Transforming simple ideas into detailed concepts
  • Assembling of machines, installation and support during the run-up phase
  • Longterm experience with mechanical, electrical and software engineering

You want to talk directly with our service center? Then contact us now!
Ján Ivanič, MPS Manager, Tel:+421 35 6464336

Our main services

Mechanical design

  • create concepts based on customer requests - from simple machines and conveyor systems to complete production lines
  • rebuildung and general overhaul of machines
  • implementation onsite

Software in use:

  • Unigraphics UG7
  • Inventor
  • AutoCAD
  • SAP

Electrical design

  • design control systems, vision systems and data capturing systems, including hardware and software
  • integrate robotics
  • control and vision systems ready to use according to specifications
  • capturing data with long-tim archive of data backup
  • programming ABB robots with controllers IRC5 (RAPID)
  • developing and design of hardware and software solutions for complex machines and production lines

Control systems in use: Siemens control System TIA Portal, Step7, Sinumerik, HMI, Simatic S5
Department is ready to use any type of control system according to customer specifications.

Part production and supply

  • assembly and fitting works, heat and surface treatments, such as blackening, sanding and nickeling facilitiy
  • 100% quality inspection
  • CNC production by cutting operations by CNC turning, EDM wire and EDM sinking machines

Equipment in use:

  • CNC turning machines: DMG CTX 320 Linear Gildemeister, TORNADO T6MS
  • EDM wire machines: AgieCharmilles ROBFIL190, 290, FL 240 SPL
  • EDM sinking machine: AgieCharmilles ROBFORM 35
  • Inspection equipment: Wenzel LH 87 3D measuring equipment, Mitutoyo Linear hight digital, Hardness tester (Rockwell C, Brinnel, Wickers), Mitutoyo projection measuring equipment, Keyencei projection measuring equipment, Mantis projection head, proven and calibrated measuring gauges

Parts production - example of produced parts from Al, Cu, Fe, stainless steel, plastic

CNC machining center HEDELIUS

Production capabilities and machinery

  • State of the art machines, 24/7 operation
  • Material cutting
  • Conventional and CNC turning - turning and turn&mill machining centers DMG Mori – CLX,CTX, TC; Colchester
  • Conventional and CNC Milling - CNC machining centers Hermle and DMG Mori, 3-5 Achsis machining
  • Conventional and CNC Drilling centers Fehlmann
  • EDM machining – wire- /spark-, Mitsubishi and Agie machines
  • Rotary and surface grinding
  • Welding and soldering
  • Assembly works
  • Surface treatments – sand and glass pearl blasting, blackening, chemical nikleling, painting
  • Heat treatments – annealing, case hardening, gas nitriding, hardening

Contact us now!


Engineering Technology, OSRAM Nové Zámky
Електронна пошта:
Ján Ivanič, MPS Manager
Komárňanská cesta 7, Nové Zámky, SK-94093