Convert from halogen to LED with original OSRAM accessories

Some vehicles report a fault in the exterior lighting when LED lamps are used. With the OSRAM LEDriving Smart Canbus series, potential error messages in the on-board system are avoided.
These error messages can occur when converting to LED lamps, as these have a lower current consumption than, for example, halogen lamps and therefore the vehicle's existing fault detection mechanism will be activated.
Only the combination of OSRAM LED lamps in conjunction with the official OSRAM accessories - LEDriving ADAPTER, LEDriving SMART CANBUS, LEDriving CAPs and LEDriving ERROR CANCELER is approved for the operation of our LED lamps.
Details, in particular on the combination of OSRAM accessories and the street-legal1) NIGHT BREAKER LED and TRUCKSTAR LED lamps, can be found on the respective product pages under: NIGHT BREAKER LED Kompatibilitätslisten | Automotive (osram.de) or Automotive | OSRAM Automotive


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Some vehicles report a fault in the exterior lighting when LED lamps are used. With the OSRAM LEDriving Smart Canbus series, potential error messages in the on-board system are avoided.
These error messages can occur when converting to LED lamps, as these have a lower current consumption than, for example, halogen lamps and therefore the vehicle's existing fault detection mechanism will be activated.
Only the combination of OSRAM LED lamps in conjunction with the official OSRAM accessories - LEDriving ADAPTER, LEDriving SMART CANBUS, LEDriving CAPs and LEDriving ERROR CANCELER is approved for the operation of our LED lamps.
Details, in particular on the combination of OSRAM accessories and the street-legal1) NIGHT BREAKER LED and TRUCKSTAR LED lamps, can be found on the respective product pages under: NIGHT BREAKER LED Kompatibilitätslisten | Automotive (osram.de) or Automotive | OSRAM Automotive